What is Functional Bodybuilding?

Functional Bodybuilding is best described in parts. First, we discuss what “functional”, or “functional training” is. Functional training is athletic training that is transferable to our athletes training goals. Every sport and activity focuses has different physical and activity demands. Goals change overtime for both new and old athletes. Our Functional Bodybuilding programs aims to help all athletes obtain and maintain their goals. The “bodybuilding” aspect of Functional Bodybuilding derives from the decades old principles of old-school weight training.

Bringing “functional bodybuilding” together means that athletes gain strength and train movements that are transferrable to everyday life while building muscle that helps athletes look good and feel good without burnout.


Why should I sign up? Do I need to do this all the time?
Functional Bodybuilding can be scaled for any level of athletes. Each class focuses on movements that are not ordinarily covered in Strongman or CrossFit classes. Athletes new to Functional Bodybuilding often fine themselves trying heavier weights and targeting specific muscle groups that other classes do not. Feel free to come and go as your schedule allows.

Is the class open to non-members?
At this time our Functional Bodybuilding class is open to CrossFit Bridge and Tunnel members only. Interested in getting started? Sign up here.

But I’m not strong [yet]! Are you sure there are no pre-requisites?
We have equipment and tools for EVERYONE! And every class and movement is scalable. Just have fun!


Functional Bodybuilding classes occur every Sunday at 9:30am.